About – We are dedicated researchers

Oliver Strijbis

has been fascinated by prediction markets since he met Sveinung Arnesen, a colleague from the University of Bergen, who introduced him at a summer school to this method. Since then, he has applied prediction markets to a wide range of political events often in collaboration with Sveinung or Alberto. Oliver is not only a founder of predilect, but also an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Zurich and an Affiliated Professor at Franklin University Switzerland. His research focuses on prediction markets, political behavior, migration, and nationalism.


Alberto Lopez Ortega

quickly caught prediction market fever when he joined Oliver at the University of Zurich. He immediately started successfully predicting election outcomes in Spain, which is why „Predi“ is no longer just known to insiders there. If Alberto is not only the man with the best ideas at Predilect, he is also a political scientist (Postdoc) at the Free University Amsterdam. He researches diversity, elections, candidates and populism in particular. 